Roof decks play a huge role in a roof system. They prop up the asphalt shingles, giving them the slope and shape you see from the curb. When a roof starts to sag, a damaged roof deck could be the reason behind it.

Heavy loads and moisture infiltration are the typical causes of roof deck damage. For example, heavy snow loads or solar panels can cause decks to buckle. Alternatively, a humid attic can also cause a roof deck to warp or suffer from molds or rot.
Here are five signs your roof decking is damaged.
1. Water Leaks
Water leaks increase the humidity inside your attic and encourage mold to grow. When this happens, you can assume that the deck has suffered water damage, too.
2. Premature Shingle Wear
If the asphalt shingles became worn too quickly, the deck might have also suffered damage. A tear-off will show the true condition of the deck.
3. Sagging Ceiling and Roofline
Sagging is typically a sign the roof deck is deteriorating. If you see your roofline sagging, have roofers inspect your deck immediately to avoid more serious issues, such as roof collapse.
4. Rotting Roof Trusses
The continued presence of mold due to water damage eats away at the roof decking. If your roofing contractors find wood rot, they will replace the affected wooden components.
5. High Energy Bills
If your heating and cooling costs are unusually high, the insulation in your attic has probably become tattered and worn out due to water damage. If this is the case, the deck has likely been damaged by water too.
If you need roof leak repair services, look no further than Renaissance Roofing, Inc. Our team is always ready to provide quality roofing solutions to various clients. Call us at (541) 791-4886, or fill out this contact form for a free consultation. We serve clients in Albany, Eugene and Salem, OR.